Wayne Northey: Randy Klassen is an esteemed member of the CoSA Canada Board, and past National Restorative Justice Coordinator for the Mennonite Central Committee Canada. That position and others were sadly eliminated due to financial restructuring at MCCC in the 2019/2020 fiscal year. The NRJC position was first created (originally binational) in 1976, and held by Edgar Epp.
I had that position with MCCC from 1989 to 1998. It was a period of significant growth of Restorative Justice across Canada and worldwide. For MCCC’s 50th Anniversary, I presented a brief paper about that at the University of Winnipeg. A copy is on this site here. I’m currently publishing a series of books on that theme called Justice That Transforms.
Randy’s loss of position is a great loss to Restorative Justice as well. Many hope and pray his contributions will continue indefinitely in other ways. One example of such are two finely crafted sermons he shared this Easter with his fellow CoSA Canada Board members. Both were written with criminal justice/restorative justice the context.
My addition?: a thunderous AMEN!!!
I have also linked this page with commentary to Easter Song- Keith Green on this site.
CLICK HERE to see Randy's sermon transcripts.