You’ve been invited to take on a master
at chess, they have trained, and have the
skills, they’ve worked hard and earned their
But so have you. You make your way to the table
sit before them, looking them in the eye.
The judge officially initiates the game.
You are evenly matched and you look
forward to the challenge. You look to the
audience with expectant family members
cheering you on.
You look down at the board and realise with horror that
you’ve only got half your pieces to play
with. Your opponent has a full compliment of pieces to work
Your challenger and the judge seem
oblivious to your lack of pieces. You complain
and hear boos from the audience telling
you to get on with it. The clock is ticking
your family are willing you on, you move
your black in response to their white.
©Azariah France-Williams. Please don't repost without the author's permission.
Twitter: @AzariahAnglican
Facebook: Azariah France-Williams