Introduction [Sarah Fung]: The 5 and 2 Ministries is a non-profit organization that focuses on relationships and meeting people where they are at. As a group, they conduct services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I had a chance to sit down with Ward Draper, the founder, executive director, pastor, and my adopted father. We have had numerous conversations about the organization over the years, but this time the conversation was focused around his development of the organization and what pieces stood out most for him. Below is some of our conversation:
Fung: Was there a specific moment that was the catalyst for you to begin The 5 and 2 Ministries? If so, what was that moment?
Ward: April or May 5, 2004. There was a church that had burnt down, and the pastor was quoted in the newspaper saying, “We really don’t want people camping on our property.” I responded to this statement, saying “I have a hard time believing God would be mad about his people sleeping on his property.” This caused everything to erupt and I was getting tons of messages and phone calls. After this, I began The 5 and 2 Ministries.
Fung: What was one of the most impactful moments for you shortly after you began The 5 and 2? (A moment that confirmed for you that you were doing the right thing and going about it the right way.)
Ward: The growth, and the fruit that is immediate and continues to grow from this work. Recently, I was at the gas station and saw Alea, a woman I had met years ago going through garbage cans. Today she asked me how my kids were doing, because they’d all grown up going to her camp. Our conversation ended with her saying “I love you, and coffee soon!”.
Fung: What would you say kept you going for so many years?
Ward: Dedication to serving Christ, whatever way that looks like. Commitment. Isaiah 6:8 0 that’s why I have it tattooed on my arm.
Fung: What are 3 of the most important lessons you’ve learned over the years?
1) Christ first – whatever it looks like/means.
2) Every problem is a result of a relational problem.
3) Respond with relationships.
Fung: What advice do you have for future generations?
Ward: Consistency and commitment. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Do what you say you are going to do and do it with humility.
Also, don’t be afraid of anything. Less fear, more do.
Summary [Sarah Fung]: While I could have fleshed out our conversation more, this way of presenting the conversation gave the real, raw tone to our conversation. Raw and real are what anyone will get from The 5 and 2 Ministries. Sometimes it’s tough to stomach, but they are there speaking truth as it is. It’s a refreshing reality to check. It challenges us to live our faith in action, and not only in words. In the words of Ward Draper, “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Do what you say you are going to do and do it with humility.”