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August 20, 2019


john w. barber

I was excommunicated from a church I love decades ago for being misunderstood as a "sodomite" with no hope.I was devastated and had my first breakdown,a harsh one with overmedication and hospitilization.I,ve been hospitalized over 29 times in the last 3 decades since then.The church apologized and reconciled with me,i,m forgiven and learned how to forgive.I,m not gay,I,m passionate about women,but I knew a gay man who committed suicide,I wanted to reach out to him and be a good friend.But because of pride and others opinons in fear,I didn,t.I regret that.He was a beautiful fellow with a humble caring spirit.I knew him in a depression bi polar group and sat in his group once as he facillitated it. outside of the compound I saw him standing there all alone,self effacing,I wanted to approuch him and make friends with him but hesitated.A month later he left us.Genuine friendship and love is such a beautiful emotion and can cross many boundaries if we would venture out on a daily basis.With much regret john

Ruth Jewell

I have always suspected the reason Jesus was so inclusive in is ministry was because he took the time to meet and know those who others avoided. Friar Jones you are an example of what it means to be a follower of the Carpenter from Nazareth. Blessings on your journey and mission. You are and will be a blessing for all who come to you.

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