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August 13, 2019


john w. barber

I know i,m a sinner.I recocognize my failed atempts to love and hurt others,confession frees me and gives me another chance,some sins against others seem impossible to mend but I pick myself up and keep trying to give love and the grace and forgiveness I recieved from Jesus to other lonely souls hungering for love! warmth, john w. barber

Mike Richardson

From discovering the name Papa calls me when I seek to hear His voice I received this in a quiet meditation. I think it reflects some of the themes above and will aid further meditation

One Divorce we’re allowed

Did you know you were married to sin? You left our relationship and fell in love with another. Every now and again when you are tempted it is Sin asking for its conjugal rights. I came, and I have divorced you from that marriage! I found you and showed you that I have loved you from the beginning. I was there facing you when you turned and walked away. But I have returned. I have in my hand the certificate of your second marriage that was nailed to the cross that declared “I own you!”. I have destroyed that certificate, I have gone back to that place where it was asked “Does anyone know of any just cause or legal impediment why you cannot be joined to this man....” and I interjected “It is finished!”.
The sham of a relationship you thought was a marriage is over. I have betrothed you in righteousness. You belong to me and I will have you back. I have washed you and clothed you in garments of praise. You are my bride. Now Sin will try and woo you back but I have conquered. I have removed all your iniquities as far as the east is from the west, before you have done them. Nothing will separate you from my Love...not height nor depth, nor breadth (3D) nor length (4D) nor any created thing.
I continue to make intercession before the Father for you because I love you. Sin shall no longer dominate you, your thoughts, your actions. I have removed its stain. I do not condemn you... go and sin no more.

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