Though not declamatory, this interview with Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of the just-published Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, is nonetheless scathing about white evangelical masculinity and the great “harm [done] inside their communities, and also at the national and even international level.” One reviewer writes:
Jesus and John Wayne demolishes the myth that Christian nationalists simply held their noses to form a pragmatic alliance with Donald Trump. With brilliant analysis and detailed scholarship, Kristin Kobes Du Mez shows how conservative evangelical leaders have promoted the authoritarian, patriarchal values that have achieved their finest representative in Trump. A stunning exploration of the relationship between modern evangelicalism, militarism, and American masculinity.”
Another new book, The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth, and Moral Integrity, points in the same direction. An excellent review of it is here.
White American Evangelicals arguably are the most dangerous religious group on the Planet, whose political alliances baptize American terrorism the world over: initiating by far the greatest scourge of barbaric violence the world has seen–with so much more almost beyond imagining waiting in the wings.