Photo above: “Our message over the years has been simple and urgent: Nuclear weapons have totally failed us. They don’t make us safer; they don’t provide jobs; they don’t make us more secure—these are age-old lies. Instead, they bankrupt us, economically and spiritually.” (Photo: Courtesy of Rev. John Dear)
Wayne Northey: This piece is profoundly humbling–and moving. In George Yancy: To Be Black in the US Is to Have a Knee Against Your Neck Each Day, Dr. Yancy challenges us Whites who claim solidarity with Blacks/People of Colour, “ . . . then I would ask that they show me their scars . . .”
John Dear in this piece displays his scars from a decades-long fight against the building and possession of nuclear weapons–enough weapons to destroy the Planet 20 times over! Let that sink in! Let that sink in! . . .
These multiplied thousands of missiles from hell hold the entire world hostage, and as Rev. Dear indicates, place the entire Planet on Death Row. Obscene! Unconscionable! This beyond-ultimate-evil-premeditated-brutal-Obliteration of all Life thereby thrusting such planning into a whole other dimension of human imagining . . . into a twilight zone of massive-death-dealing aspiration that the likes of a Stalin, a Hitler, a Pol Pot, a Mussolini, and all mass murderers of all time combined . . . could only have longed for . . . only in their wildest dreams could have enacted . . .
On my HOME page you will find what follows (and much more) in the context of the Gospel as Counter-Narrative to Empire:
In short, any number of nuclear war planners in Washington contemplated striking 295 Soviet cities, with an estimated death toll total of 115 million, and another 107 million dead in Red China, besides millions more in Soviet satellite countries (The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II, John W. Dower, Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2017; page 37. See also my post on this here; pp. 28 & 29). In some circles, as a kind of sick dark humour, the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki due to “only” 200,000 dead, came to be called “firecracker nukes (ibid, page 29).” (This is not to mention the millions killed since World War II with related devastation in at least 37 countries around the world, or the millions murdered through US proxy wars, CIA covert operations the world over, surrogate terror exported to countries throughout Central and South America for more than a century, and other parts of the world, etc., etc., etc… (See ibid, throughout the book.)[1]
And these “noble” American nuclear strategists holding up of course America as bastion of freedom and democracy throughout the world, blithely contemplated over many decades mass murder on a scale that all previous mass murderers combined in the history of the world could only dream of! And serious contemplation of first-strike deployment was given repeated consideration: Public as well as confidential proposals to launch a “preventive” or “pre-emptive” strike against the Soviet Union were not uncommon before the Soviets developed a serious retaliatory capability — including for instance General Douglas MacArthur. The American public likewise supported this in general (ibid, page 41).
This is America — Leader of the Free World?! Vocabulary for such monstrous evil mindsets utterly fails! Yet every US Administration since Truman authorized the first atomic bombs dropped (which phenomenon he, a Baptist Sunday School teacher, declared to be “the greatest event in human history” — and not the Resurrection?! — one massively death-dealing, the other universally life-giving), along with thousands of strategists, day-in, day-out, went off to work with this kind of obscene potential horror, like “visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads”. How delightfully American (Empire)![2]
And Hitler and Stalin are considered “maniacal” in their mass murders?! By the above dark-humour standard, they were only “firecracker despots” compared to a long line of US Presidents. What then are all these upstanding Americans — right up to the present, with possibly a genuinely deranged current President seemingly itching to “nuke” some nation such as North Korea — if not mad monsters? And the overwhelming monstrosity of America the Ultimate Evil Empire only increases exponentially when one reads noted historian Alfred McCoy’s description of what is being developed by said American Empire.
A paper that I wrote years ago, Christianity and the Subversion of Just About Everything!, in relation to this, with an introduction and excerpt, may be accessed here. I explain in introducing it that today, were I writing the paper, the overall positing of “Just About Everything!” would mean Empire. The Judeo-Christian Story is nothing if not one long Counter-Narrative to Empire!There is an expanding scholarship that underscores this, links to several instances of which are on the HOME page, and also mentioned on the page introducing the paper above. Amen! Thy Kingdom Come! Maranatha! (Come, O Lord).
Please also see the post on U.S. biological warfare: Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information Act by Nicholson Baker. And Trump blames the Chinese for producing biological weapons!
Again: thousands of Americans every day are caught up in the Maniacal Suicidal Madness: calmly working towards the Earth’s Demise as nonchalantly as planning a road trip . . . Who like Nazi concentration camp guards return home from work , hug their kids, and go off with their wives to take in a Beethoven Concert…
All Americans, and of course the entire Western world are accessories and beneficiaries, if not direct cheerleaders. Ghastly! Murderous! Horror-filled! Morality from Hell! . . .[3]
Further, as the Japanese were targeted as the Ultimate Collective Scapegoat in the West on August 6 & 7, 1945, so ever since, the entire world became the potential Ultimate Scapegoat on Planet Death Row! These insights arise from the amazing work of anthropologist and literary critic René Girard.[4]
But we are so inured to the obscene presence of nuclear weapons in the world that we blithely shut it all out as we go about our daily lives. Yet Dear writes:
That’s why I say, the existence of nuclear weapons is far beyond any philosophical questions of goodness or morality. For years, I’ve been saying: nuclear weapons are bad for New Mexico and the world, bad for our health, bad for the economy, bad for children, bad for our security, bad for the environment, but also bad for our souls! Ultimately, their existence is a religious issue, a spiritual issue. It says we really worship the false “god of war,” as Hitler called him, not the living God of peace. These weapons say, “We will wipe out in 15 minutes what it took you 15 billion years to create.” The only humane, sane, moral, and therefore religious, holy stand to take is to publicly oppose them, resist them, denounce them and work for their abolition.