When I think that in excess of 80% of American White Evangelicals stillsupport Trump–arguably the most immoral, narcissistic, corrupt, lying President in history (Trump ever brags about his superior . . . well everything, so he’ll no doubt own any noun following “the most” 🙂 ), and claim that his is the way of Jesus, God’s man for this hour, God’s chosen vessel, on and on ad nauseum, the nausea does make one want to throw up–for a long time, multitudes of times . . .
There’s that old politician saying: “The voters/[White Evangelicals] have spoken, the bastards.”—Stuart Stevens
What one wants to do . . . I want to do . . . is scream from the housetops to White Evangelical America: Your “god” is an all-consuming Moloch who represents everything contrary to the Way of Jesus; to the “better way” of Paul; to the bar-none central organizing theme of peace and peacemaking in the New Testament! . . . (See on this last (my book review of) Willard Swartley’s magisterial Covenant of Peace: The Missing Peace in New Testament Theology and Ethics, Willard M. Swartley, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006.)
If I had majority White America alone to go on (and much of similar ilk in Canada), then theologian Walter Wink is searingly right in declaring: “against which the revolt of atheism is pure religion!” God bless this vision of America?! Not on your (eternal) life! Hell, even hell frozen over, is the most blessed choice . . .