I’m enjoying the show Maple is putting on these days, she features prominently from the window in my kitchen, dining room and living room.
She is glorious ... all those colours, and how she changes from day to day! How different light catches and highlights different shades and shapes and shadows.
What I’m appreciating today is how these two photos show us how black and white thinking is detrimental to our faith and to how we relate to God.
When we get stuck in ruts of judgment... black and white ... good or bad ... yes or no ... saint or sinner ... we lose the colour in life! We’re left with hard lines of varying greys, even though we believe we’re sorting things into black and white.
But Jesus put the colour back into faith when he taught his disciples and those who have ears to hear. He took the black and white law and starting messing with it. He summed up ALL the Laws that explained how we are meant to live and treat those around us by saying this ... “Love your neighbour as yourself!”
That summary of the Law puts all the colour back into how our faith is worked out, how we demonstrate it, and the personal touches each of us might put on how that looks.
It also allows us to relate to God in a much more fluid and creatively free way. No need to check the rule book, just a permission slip to engage in loving our neighbours which includes everyone on our planet!
Consider asking God how you might tag-team to share some love today. Put some colour back into our world!