A set of four tweet-length meditations on the vicarious nature of the church as she is described in Acts 2:42:
The Sacraments are where we as the body of Christ continue to give our collective life for the life of the world. By them we die with the human God and by them we are raised with him from death, and with us also the human family and the cosmos he loves without measure and fathom.
The Prayers are where we as the body of Christ intercede for the life of God’s beloved world. Here we join the God who prays in lonely places, whose prayers are not just words but sweat, blood, and tears. We pray for those who have no one to pray for them or no inkling to pray.
The church’s Preaching is where we as the body of Christ tell the authentic story of the world before the world is ready to listen. Our speech is good news to the poor, sets captives free, gives sight to the blind, delivers the oppressed, and makes a promise of great joy for all.
As the body of Christ in the world we invite all into his household to sit at one table. His door is never shut. Pilgrims to the Father’s place, with us prodigals, are sat down by Love, adorned with a ring and a robe, and Love says, “I’m so glad you’re here. How can I serve you?”
*The last image is inspired by George Herbert’s “Love III.”