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July 12, 2021


Florian Berndt

This has always made sense to me, as I found that "universalism" can quickly become a dogma that people argue about, constantly talking about different translations etc, while leaving out the larger story of the Gospel. In addition, I've met groups that claimed to believe in "universal reconciliation" in the sense that everyone will be finally forced to believe, making it all about the superiority of the divine will - again, leaving out the Gospel. Needless to say, these groups were usually very legalistic, literalistic and "nasty as hell" (pun intended). On the flip side, those who emphasised the Gospel (as Kenneth so wonderfully does in this post), pointing to the all-embracing love and mercy of Abba, the person and work of Christ, and the Holy Spirit's unfailing grace in our lives, were the one's that convinced me that Divine Love is having the last word, as they already showed forth the fruit of transformation in their lives, that is the destiny of all creation.

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