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January 01, 2023


Mark Lama

Wow! Thank you for the gift of sharing the operational realities you have fought and are fighting for, and why you are fighting. Although I haven't suffered from a diagnosable or severe mental illness, your words still speak very deeply to my own experience. Every morning that I awake to pain and the prospect of another (fruitless?) 12-hour work day, I reach for my own operational realities. Your list bears so many striking resemblances to one that I made for myself this summer, as I tried to sever the last ties to protecting myself from having my faith condemned as an unbiblical fantasy by people whose approval I used to think that I desperately needed. Thank you again! May love be enough for you today.

Mark McNeill

Thank you so much. I needed this today.

Beverly Tucker

Beautiful,tender, and broken....like a delicate, priceless antique I hesitate to handle with my words, yet I am compelled. Every operational reality you've written I relate to. My own experience and change has revealed the same, though I have not written so succinctly. Wishing you peace and much love....


“‘“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’

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