Why Reject the Ontology of Demons?
1. Spiritual Integrity—By rejecting demon ontology, we stop using them as scapegoats to avoid our responsibility as humans for our sin and evil actions.
2. Spiritual Freedom—By rejecting demon ontology, we stop believing in evil, unseen beings who wield fear-filled power. We overcome the demonic by becoming freed from the roots within us and world systems/ powers that energize the demonic phenomenon. Christ has made this possible.
3. Spiritual Restoration—By rejecting demon ontology, we are able to raise the bar of redemption to a height worthy of Jesus: Christ’s incarnation, death, and resurrection is the Redeeming Life that encompasses all of Reality, and all created living beings within that reality. Thus, All will be redeemed and restored to God. This restoration of all things is a radically beautiful vision that only God could accomplish as Divine Love. And, perhaps we should say, only Divine Love would genuinely desire to restore All and our transformation/theosis enables us to glimpse this beauty.
4. Spiritual Consistency—By rejecting demon ontology, we preserve the revelation of God that Jesus has shown us. Namely, that God is Love and not Violent. God’s heart is to restore all of creation both visible and invisible. Rejecting demon ontology means that we will not witness God change nature and utterly destroy created beings.
Wm Paul Young Replies
This is fantastic, Eric. And resonates.
You could also say that rejecting demon ontology is freedom from demon idolatry (in that many build their lives and identity around their necessary existence).
“I feel the earth move under my feet;
I feel the walls come tumbling down”
I feel the walls come tumbling down”
-- Carole King
Editor's note: See also Bradley Jersak, "Spiritual Warfare and the Paganizing of Christianity?"
Great thoughts Eric! I remember that even some of the pioneers of early deliverance ministries were not sure what to make of the ontologly of the demonic back in the day. Over the years however I've seen a lot of these ministries promote increasingly disturbing practices that are not in alignment with the Gospel, and which hindered us to really address the problem of evil. One of the things that really made me rethink the whole issue from a scriptural point of view is that the New Testament doesn't really address the demonic in ontological terms, e. g. none of the spirits Jesus or his disciples deal with with have personal names but are described as spirits of infirmity, unclean spirits, etc. (I don't see the story of 'Legion' as referring to an actual name.)Even the terms 'the devil' or 'the satan' are titles not personal names. What I like about Brad's article, linked to your reflections, is that it points out how we have mythologized evil - in the same way as we've projected our own inner mythologies of perceived separation unto our relationship with the Divine. And I am saying this as someone who was heavily involved in deliverance ministry in the late 90s. Now, I have a lot more questions about this and space and time won’t permit to go deeper into some of these issues here, but you raised important points here and am looking forward to see how this conversation evolves over time.
I found these articles by Bible translator Jonathan Mittchell also quite thought provoking:
Posted by: Florian Berndt | June 12, 2023 at 05:18 AM