I am offering an opinion that will be controversial but which I want to ask people to think about seriously before they respond. It is possible that the movement of Christian nationalism is led by people who no longer accept Christian apocalypticism and do not believe in the return of Jesus Christ but who wish to utilise these beliefs for both financial gain and political power.
Perhaps they have lost their faith altogether. In such cases, and one will find this in political Christianity, including the Evangelicalism within the Orthodox Church, a “Christianity” that has been repurposed as the basis for a political and social ideology. This is why the essence of Christ's teachings has essentially evaporated in these movements and are no longer the essential dynamic of them. The mantras and ritual expressions remain, but they are manifested as cognitive dissonance. This form of political Christianity is generally manipulated by charismatic leaders who show no real signs of the belief that they profess so violently and emotionally. As a political/social movement, this form of political Christianity is both financially profitable to the unscrupulous pastors, preachers and leaders who utilise it as a "religion business" and a gateway to political power and influence.
A genuine religion industry has developed, primarily but not only in the United States. The repurposing of the gospel for primarily political purposes, essentially the underpinning of a political ideology, has been quite successful in the United States, as has the industrialisation and corporatisation of Christianity. It is questionable whether the leaders of this political religion actually believe in Jesus Christ and his promises.
To be sure, they use the proper mantras and catchphrases, the appropriate ritual language, but there is nothing in their fear and hate sermons, which are simply propaganda speeches, to indicate that they adhere to the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. We find a few elements of this in the Orthodox Church. We will find that political religion eschews the elements of the Sermon on the Mount and in practice, generally oppose the teachings in the 25th chapter of Matthew's gospel. They are far more likely to be advocates of the worst elements and interpretations of Old Testament law, often even trying to justify slavery. Moreover, this brand of Christianity and Christian leader incessantly utilise conspiracy theories, most of which are ungrounded. When such baseless conspiracy fantasies they are presented by such leaders, they take on an aura of substance that they actually simply do not have. This political Christianity also utilizes a contrived "culture wars" much to its economic and the power base advantage.
While the above might be controversial, it most certainly bears more scrutiny and serious-minded contemplation and study. This fear and hate-based political religion does depend on enhancing the cognitive dissonance of its followers, and easily morphs into a dangerous political movement with clearly defined "target enemies." The excesses, the fear and the hate are also primary drivers in the deconstruction of Christianity, which is feeding the growth of atheism and agnosticism, particularly in the United States. Those who wish to follow Jesus Christ and His gospel are being steadily disenfranchised from this politicized Christianity that is dominating America and, to a lesser degree, other countries. Political Christianity ultimately pushes serious-minded and sincere people away from Christ as it undermines and discredits the Gospel itself.