The glint of the sun;
Warms the soul.
From the cold draft;
That seeps thru pores;
From the darkened hills.
A black tide of struggle;
Lingering like a plague;
From crest to crest;
Seen by eyes of this world;
As an undefeatable enemy
"Easy boy", I speak to the heart;
As it purrs with slight fear.
"One last ride I promise";
A known lie that travels like Soothness;
Serenity within a world of disturbance.
Like a fish in deep water;
Smooth below the violent surface.
We ride together Heart, Soul, and Body.
Oh how often we have rode this ride!
1000 and 1 times we led this charge...
That battered armor still holds strong,
That splintered lance still is sharp,
That wounded spirit still is alive,
That dejected heart still holds hope,
This world of unbelief still holds this believer...
The warmth of God's Hand;
Takes the last of doubt.
And you stand - light upon light;
From head to toe facing Darkness.
Syed M Shah